Spanish nationality by naturalization (carta de naturaleza)

By naturalization (carta de naturaleza). This is one of the oldest legal mechanisms by which the Spanish state grants a foreigner Spanish nationality.

Spanish citizenship by Naturalization (carta de naturaleza) is established in Article 21 of the Spanish Civil Code as follows:  Spanish citizenship is acquired by naturalization (carta de naturaleza), granted at its discretion by the Royal Decree, when the interested party is in exceptional circumstances, and it is up to the Council of Ministers to approve or not approve such an application.

Sefar Universal, made up of specialists in Law, Genealogy and History, is able to demonstrate its consanguineous link to Spain., either because of your Sephardic origin, or because you descend from a Spaniard who has performed a relevant achievement for Spanish society, or because your close descent is of Spanish origin. These links would make it possible to justify the exceptional circumstances that would make you an acceptable candidate for Spanish citizenship by naturalization (carta de naturaleza).

It should be considered that the status of Spanish Sephardic origin is considered an extraordinary circumstance that justifies the granting of Spanish citizenship by naturalization (carta de naturaleza)..