Spanish General Immigration Law
The Immigration Law is the name by which the Organic Law 4/2000, of 11 January, on the Rights and Freedoms of Foreigners in Spain and their Social Integration is popularly known. It is a text governing the rights and duties of foreigners in Spain, which contains principles that seek to favor legal immigration, restricting the entry of illegal foreigners to a minimum and offering opportunities to normalize the situation of undocumented immigrants established in the Spanish territory.
1- Community Family Residence: Aimed at those family members, mainly spouses, descendants and ascendants who are dependent on a European Union citizen for them to reside legally in Spanish territory.
2- Temporary residence for family reunification: Aimed at those family members, mainly spouses, descendants and ascendants who depend on a foreigner that has renewed his/her regular residence in Spain.
3- Student residence:: Aimed at those individuals who wish to carry out official studies in Spain.
4- Non-Profit Residence: This is a type of residence in Spain that grants non-European citizens with sufficient funds an authorization to reside in the country without carrying out any type of economic activity. For this reason, the person must prove that he/she has a high purchasing power, over 30,000 euros, before procedure processing.
5- Family roots: Family roots are temporary residence permits for exceptional circumstances that may be granted to those foreigners who are in Spain and are either the father or mother of a minor of Spanish citizenship, or the children of a father or mother who is a Spanish native.