Portuguese citizenship by Sephardic origin

This option has been available since the publication of decree no. 30-A/2015, approved by the Portuguese government on February 27, 2015. This regulation allows for all those individuals who can proof their Sephardic descent, the processing of applications for the Portuguese citizenship, regardless of if they reside or not in Portuguese territory.

Sefar Universal will provide a complete service to obtain the certification before the Israeli Community of Lisbon (CIL) or the Israeli Community of Oporto (CIP), as well as the subsequent legal procedures necessary to obtain the Portuguese nationality by Sephardic origin.

As this is a nationality granted from origin , the beneficiary will be considered as if he or she had been Portuguese since birth, with all the advantages that this status can provide to his or her family members in order to also enjoy the obtainment of the Portuguese nationality.


  • Portuguese law has no requirement for the applicant to speak or know the Portuguese language and does not require a language test or about its culture.

  • The person is not required to travel to Portugal to sign the affidavit. All formalities to be carried out in Portugal can be done by power of attorney through lawyers at Sefar Universal.

  • The law does not have an expiration date, which means that individuals can complete this procedure whenever they wish without additional concerns about time constraints.

  • There is no need to prove ties to Portugal.

  • There is no need to be of Portuguese descent.

  • All cases that apply for Spain can also apply for Portugal.