Correction of Records

Correction of records sent to the Ministry of Justice of Spain before 1-10 / 2019: By means of Circular of September 9, 2019, a period of correction of errors or deficiencies in the applications submitted under Law 12/2015 was extended , regarding the granting of Spanish nationality to Sephardim originating in Spain. This procedure is only possible for candidates who have submitted their application on time.

Sefar Universal offers the expertise of its genealogists, historians and lawyers to correct problems in documenting records. An example of what has been said is the absence of the corresponding certificate from the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain, FCJE, which implies with almost complete certainty, the denial of Spanish nationality due to Sephardic origin, as has been expressed in the different circulars issued by the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries, months before the repeal of the aforementioned Law. From Sefar Universal we provide the following services:

Obtaining the Certificate of Sephardic ancestry granted by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE), a document that has a special probative value for the Spanish Ministry of Justice.

b) Presentation to the Spanish Ministry of Justice the file to request Spanish nationality by Sephardic origin with all the necessary attachments.